
Posted on December 30th, 2020 by Canna Provisions


If you’re wondering how has the COVID-19 pandemic impacted  cannabis usage for consumers, well, we have a treat for you today.
Because we’re going to tell you.
We’ve been digging through the most recent New Frontier Data research report. The folks there did the labor of crunching all manner of numbers and solid verifiable data.
And now you can check it out. Here’s a snapshot of some of the more telling and interesting factoids:
  • Flower was the steady champion. Be it regular packed cannabis flower or pre-rolls, people decided that was the way to go during COVID.
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New Frontier Data says cannabis flower from a legal dispensary was the big winner.
  • 72% of consumers have changed their changed their social consumption habits since the pandemic hit.
  • 16% of consumers shifted to the regulated market. Which is nice. We’re here for you. Canna Provisions Lee, Canna Provisions Holyoke, we are open for you 7 days a week, with the best selection of craft cannabis products in the state.
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New Frontier Data report on Pre-COVID-19 primary cannabis source changes for consumers.
  • The average monthly spend after lockdown started is up significantly- up $141 October over March.
  • Men between the ages of 35-54 converted to the legal market at a rate of 22%.
  • 42% of consumers increased their overall use.
(This may or may not have had something to do with us teaching you new ways to “Dose It Yourself“.)
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  • And as the above graphic demonstrates, 2 in 5 consumers with children under the age of 18 at home increased their consumption of cannabis.
This should not be surprising to anyone with children under the age of 18 living at home during this time. Or anyone who tried remote learning.

CURIOUS ABOUT ACCESSING LEGAL CANNABIS DURING COVID? Check out our online menus at our stores for the marijuana flower, prerolls, edibles, topicals, concentrates, and other goodies to help deal with the stress, anxiety, physical or existential pain that 2020 has brought upon you. 


About Canna Provisions

Canna Provisions is the next generation of cannabis dispensary focusing on a unique and thoughtful customer experience. We are here to guide you and towards the right provisions to fit your lifestyle, and provide knowledgeable support every step of the way. Founded by established industry pioneers with extensive cultivation, regulation and consumer sales experience, Canna Provisions stores provide a broad range of top-grade craft cannabis products that are locally sourced and thoughtfully produced. Life is a journey. No matter the path, trust Canna Provisions to better your journey. To learn more, visit Join us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

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