Posted on June 17th, 2022 by Canna Provisions

Clone Care from Chemdog!

Clone Care Tips from Chemdog

Chemdog clone care tips

So you’ve just purchased an authentic Smash Hits clone… Congratulations! 🙂

The only thing left to do is give it the love and care it needs to thrive. We asked Chemdog and our cultivation team to provide four essential tips on how to care for your cannabis clone and nurture it to its full potential.

1. Give It Room

Start by transplanting your rooted clone into a larger pot, at least a 1-gallon container. The bigger the pot, the more room for roots to grow strong and healthy, leading to better bud production or creating a robust mother plant for future clones.

2. Give It Light

Ensure your clone receives 18 hours of light daily during its early growth stage. Once your clone reaches a desirable height (typically around 2-3 feet), you can start the flowering process by adjusting to a 12-hour light and 12-hour dark cycle. This mimics natural sunlight patterns and promotes budding.

3. Give It Food

Feed your clone with high-nitrogen fertilizer while it’s in the vegetative stage. Once your plants start flowering, switch to a bloom fertilizer—this specialized nutrient mix can usually be found at any garden store and is essential for healthy bud development.

4. Give It Love!

After approximately 12-14 weeks, your beautiful flower will be ready to harvest and cure. Proper curing is where your hard work pays off. Hang your buds upside down in a cool, dry place for 7-10 days, then trim them off the stems and store in jars with a good seal. Open the jars every day or two initially to allow curing gases to escape, ensuring a smooth, flavorful finish for your buds.

With care and patience, you’ll be rewarded handsomely for your efforts.




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220 Housatonic Street Lee, MA



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